FULL BLOOM Kollektion bei Mein Stoff
Endlich: Meine FULL BLOOM Stoffkollektion bald als Meterware erhältlich. Ich freue mich total, euch endlich diese großartige Nachricht mitteilen zu können: Meine FULL BLOOM Stoffkollektion wird schon bald als Meterware bei mein-stoff.de erhältlich sein!
Step by Step Paravent im Cosy Mag
ich habe aufregende Neuigkeiten für alle DIY-Enthusiasten und kreativen Köpfe da draußen! Im Cosy Mag Nr. 3 2024 gibt es eine Step-by-Step-Anleitung für einen Paravent – und das Beste daran: es wurde dafür ein Stoffdesign von mir verwendet, das über Textilwerk.com erhältlich ist.
The dopamin decor magic
The Dopamin Decor trend is all the rage right now, and it's definitely leaving us all craving for more. Well, my fellow color enthusiast, I've got just the remedy for you!
100+ Ready-to-use designs in my pattern catalog
Exciting news awaits as I've recently enriched my ready-to-use pattern catalog with a plenty of new, colorful designs. Whether your company specializes in fashion, home decor, or any other product that craves a touch of uniqueness, I have the perfect patterns to elevate your brand.
Reflecting on 2023: A Year in Review
Despite being well into January, I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share a glimpse into the closing chapter of 2023. Life has its way of throwing curveballs, especially when balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood. It took me a bit longer than planned to pen down my thoughts on the past year, but as they say, better late than never. So here we go!
STUDIO GOOD HOOD: we are open!
In the heart of creativity and collaboration, I'm thrilled to announce the official opening of The Good Hood Studio – a shared space that embodies shared joy, laughter, enrichment, excitement, creativity, and empowerment. Our studio is not just a physical space; it's a vibrant, serene, and bright hub where ideas flourish and projects come to life. A place where ideas, designs, commissions, projects, plans, exhibitions, workshops, and products find a common ground to flourish.
A Creative Escape: CUT ‚N CREATE ideas for the holiday season 🌟
Oh, the joy of the season is upon us, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share a sprinkle of creativity with you! 🎨✨ In this little note, I’ve gathered ten whimsical „Cut and Create“ ideas tailor-made for our cozy holiday season and the serene days in between. From enchanting winter wonderlands to abstract wonders, let’s dive into these inspirations and turn them into our own little masterpieces.
Crafting a joyful Christmas: ‚Colorful Christmas Shapes‘ collection
The holiday season is upon us, and there's no better way to usher in the spirit of Christmas than by transforming your home into a festive wonderland. The "Colorful Christmas Shapes" collection, available exclusively on textilwerk.com, is your ticket to a vibrant, joyful, and whimsical Christmas celebration.
Getting cozy in autumn
As the leaves begin to turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold, there’s a distinct charm that fills the air. Autumn, often celebrated as nature’s most enchanting season, captivates us with its stunning display of colors. It’s a time when we can cozy up with a warm cup of tea and a good book, all while admiring the artistry of falling leaves. This is the inspiration behind the ‚Dancing Leaves‘ Home Decor Collection, a delightful ensemble that will bring the spirit of autumn into your living space.
15+ Ways to use digital paper and repeating pattern designs
I literally can spend hours creating colorful digital paper designs and dreaming up ways to use them. I'm all about those vibrant, electrifying patterns that make creativity pop. And they have so many possible uses and are pretty cool jumpstart for any creative project! So, let me spill the tea: I've got something that might just be your next creative crush.