Happy Halloween Farbpalette
Mitten im Hochsommer steigt bei mir schon die Vorfreude auf Halloween! Die diesjährige Kollektion bringt eine spannende Farbpalette mit sich, die uns in festliche Stimmung versetzt. Besonders hervorzuheben sind dieses Jahr die kräftigen, leuchtenden Farben, die in Halloween-Dekorationen und Designs allgegenwärtig sein werden.
My Top 5 Skillshare Teachers
In my quest to broaden my creative horizons, I stumbled upon Skillshare, likely through platforms like YouTube. For those unfamiliar with Skillshare, it is an online learning platform catering to creatives (artists working with traditional and digital media, graphic designers, photographers, hobbyists, etc.) and entrepreneurs (web design, user experience, digital marketing). Skillshare hosts a plethora of tutorials and courses presented by renowned artists, creatives, and industry experts, as well as lesser-known individuals.
Make your walls POP with this gallery wall idea
Upgrade your wall decor with modern abstract wall art printables and add a touch of creativity and color to your home or office today!
My colorful wedding
From the radiant weather conditions to the vibrant decorations, my colorful outdoor wedding celebration was a dream come true.
Exploring Boundless Inspiration: Unveiling the Well of Creativity
In the realm of creativity, inspiration acts as a vital fuel, propelling artists, writers, and innovators to new heights. However, even the most imaginative minds occasionally encounter the daunting creative block. Fear not, in the following, we will embark on a journey to unearth the abundant sources of inspiration that surround us, waiting to be discovered.
Skillshare class: Make an abstract paper collage with me
As some of you may know, I struggled to tap into my creativity for such a long time: But with paper collages I found a playful and fun way to unlock my creativity and a hands-on process which is the beginning of all my creative works today.
Finding the creative flow with paper collage
I've had this idea to send you ‘Journal’ entries from my studio… but I don't just want to share the things that are good — I also want to share with you the things that are challenging me.