Design für alle – Mein flexibles Lizenzsystem für jeden Bedarf
Design sollte für jeden zugänglich sein – egal, ob du Design-Profi oder kreativer DIY-Fan bist. Deshalb habe ich mir lange Gedanken gemacht, wie ich meine Muster und Kollektionen so anbieten kann, dass wirklich jeder eine passende Option findet.
Apres-Ski-Vibes: Kooperation mit Plottertante und Poli-Tape
Ich freue mich riesig, euch heute von einer ganz besonderen Kooperation zu erzählen: Am 9. Januar bin ich bei der Plotterexpedition von Plottertante und Poli-Tape dabei – einem inspirierenden Event rund ums Plotten, kreative DIY-Ideen und spannende Designprojekte! 🎉
Weihnachtskugeln mit dem Plotter gestalten: Persönlich, kreativ und einfach gemacht
Weihnachten steht vor der Tür, und ich wollte dieses Jahr etwas Besonderes für meine Liebsten machen – Geschenke, die nicht nur schön aussehen, sondern auch von Herzen kommen. Die Idee: Personalisierte Weihnachtskugeln, die ich mit meinem Plotter selbst gestaltet habe.
Plotten ohne Plotter – Plotterfolie mit der Schere von Hand schneiden
Wusstest du, dass du auch ohne Plotter richtig tolle Designs umsetzen kannst? Alles, was du brauchst, sind Schere, Folie und deine Hände! Bei CUT 'N CREATE dreht sich alles um das kreative Arbeiten mit einfachen Mitteln – und das gilt
Farb- und Mustertipps für Kinderzimmer-Wände
Die Gestaltung eines Kinderzimmers ist super, um Kreativität und Funktionalität zu vereinen. Ich finde, Farben und Muster spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle: um eine Umgebung zu schaffen, die nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch inspirierend und beruhigend für dein Kind
Happy Halloween Farbpalette
Mitten im Hochsommer steigt bei mir schon die Vorfreude auf Halloween! Die diesjährige Kollektion bringt eine spannende Farbpalette mit sich, die uns in festliche Stimmung versetzt. Besonders hervorzuheben sind dieses Jahr die kräftigen, leuchtenden Farben, die in Halloween-Dekorationen und Designs
Siebdruckschablone mit einem Clipart erstellen
heute möchte ich euch zeigen, wie ihr eine Siebdruckschablone aus einer Clipart-Grafik erstellen könnt, ganz ohne Belichtung. Wir verwenden dazu ein schönes dreiteiliges Blumenmotiv mit Blüte, Stiel und Blatt. Jedes Teil wird in einer anderen Farbe gedruckt, um ein lebendiges
Plotterdateien für dein nächstes DIY-Projekt
Ich freue mich so sehr, dir heute etwas ganz Besonderes vorzustellen: meine Plotterdateien! 🌟 Ich habe diese Dateien mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt entworfen, um dir das kreative Arbeiten so einfach und vielseitig wie möglich zu machen. Denn ich liebe
OHOH Sommerhirt mit Hejomil Kidswear
verrückt - es ist schon wieder Juni und bald kommt hoffentlich der Sommer! Bei mir steckt gerade richtig viel Energie und Vorfreude in der Luft, denn ich habe unglaublich aufregende Neuigkeiten für euch. Wisst ihr, manchmal passieren die besten Dinge einfach
Meine Wohntextilien Designs von Textilwerk in den Medien
Es ist so ein cooles Gefühl, durch meine Readly App oder ein Magazin zu blättern und plötzlich auf die eigenen Designs zu stoßen. Diese Überraschungsmomente haben mir schon oft den Tag versüßt: meine Wohntextilien Designs von Textilwerk sind nämlich immer
FULL BLOOM Kollektion bei Mein Stoff
Endlich: Meine FULL BLOOM Stoffkollektion bald als Meterware erhältlich. Ich freue mich total, euch endlich diese großartige Nachricht mitteilen zu können: Meine FULL BLOOM Stoffkollektion wird schon bald als Meterware bei mein-stoff.de erhältlich sein!
Step by Step Paravent im Cosy Mag
ich habe aufregende Neuigkeiten für alle DIY-Enthusiasten und kreativen Köpfe da draußen! Im Cosy Mag Nr. 3 2024 gibt es eine Step-by-Step-Anleitung für einen Paravent – und das Beste daran: es wurde dafür ein Stoffdesign von mir verwendet, das über
The dopamin decor magic
The Dopamin Decor trend is all the rage right now, and it's definitely leaving us all craving for more. Well, my fellow color enthusiast, I've got just the remedy for you!
100+ Ready-to-use designs in my pattern catalog
Exciting news awaits as I've recently enriched my ready-to-use pattern catalog with a plenty of new, colorful designs. Whether your company specializes in fashion, home decor, or any other product that craves a touch of uniqueness, I have the perfect
Reflecting on 2023: A Year in Review
Despite being well into January, I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share a glimpse into the closing chapter of 2023. Life has its way of throwing curveballs, especially when balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood. It took me a bit longer
STUDIO GOOD HOOD: we are open!
In the heart of creativity and collaboration, I'm thrilled to announce the official opening of The Good Hood Studio – a shared space that embodies shared joy, laughter, enrichment, excitement, creativity, and empowerment. Our studio is not just a physical
A Creative Escape: CUT ‚N CREATE ideas for the holiday season 🌟
Oh, the joy of the season is upon us, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share a sprinkle of creativity with you! 🎨✨ In this little note, I’ve gathered ten whimsical „Cut and Create“ ideas tailor-made for our cozy
Crafting a joyful Christmas: ‚Colorful Christmas Shapes‘ collection
The holiday season is upon us, and there's no better way to usher in the spirit of Christmas than by transforming your home into a festive wonderland. The "Colorful Christmas Shapes" collection, available exclusively on textilwerk.com, is your ticket to
Getting cozy in autumn
As the leaves begin to turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold, there’s a distinct charm that fills the air. Autumn, often celebrated as nature’s most enchanting season, captivates us with its stunning display of colors. It’s a time
15+ Ways to use digital paper and repeating pattern designs
I literally can spend hours creating colorful digital paper designs and dreaming up ways to use them. I'm all about those vibrant, electrifying patterns that make creativity pop. And they have so many possible uses and are pretty cool jumpstart
My Top 5 Skillshare Teachers
In my quest to broaden my creative horizons, I stumbled upon Skillshare, likely through platforms like YouTube. For those unfamiliar with Skillshare, it is an online learning platform catering to creatives (artists working with traditional and digital media, graphic designers,
I love Postcards, who else?
Hey there, fellow art and joy enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to take you on a journey into my world – where vibrant colors, playful designs, and heartfelt connections come together in perfect harmony. I'm the creative mind behind Lisa Jasmin Bauer,
Crafting dreams into colorful reality: My new studio adventure
Signed the lease last week and started the renovations right away. My new studio is being built in downtown Reutlingen and I can't believe that this dream is now coming true.
Emotions through Colors: Exploring the Power of Color & Joy
Who knows my work knows how much I love color and its positive effect. Today I invite you to undertake into the universe of colors and follow me on a vibrant journey through the captivating world of colors and emotions!
You can’t draw? so what!
Ever found yourself muttering, "I can't draw"? Well, let me spill the colorful beans – you're not alone, and you're definitely not out of the creative game! I can't draw, a statement I've heard countless times, and one I've even
Make your walls POP with this gallery wall idea
Upgrade your wall decor with modern abstract wall art printables and add a touch of creativity and color to your home or office today!
My colorful wedding
From the radiant weather conditions to the vibrant decorations, my colorful outdoor wedding celebration was a dream come true.
Pink mania Textilwerk collection
Get ready to dive into a world of pink extravaganza as the new Barbie film hits the cinemas this July! The iconic Barbie doll has been an inspiration to countless generations, capturing hearts with her glamorous lifestyle and vibrant personality.
Why beeing a Surface Pattern Designer is the most fun and fulfilling Job ever
When I started my creative Journey back in 2020 I couldn't imagine where this path will guide me. And I'm more then happy that I have embarked on this journey. Being a surface pattern designer is a unique and fulfilling
Ready to use graphics for your creativity
Whether you're a passionate artist, a DIY enthusiast, or an aspiring entrepreneur, my incorporating captivating graphics can bring some color into your creative projects. With a vast array of ready-to-use digital tools and an extensive collection of bold and colorful
Must-Have Business Tools for Surface Pattern Designers
Surface pattern design has gained significant popularity in recent years, with an increasing number of artists and designers venturing into this creative field. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey as a surface pattern designer, having the
Embracing Imperfection: Letting Go Through Scissors and Paper Art
In a world that constantly demands perfection, it can be easy to get caught up in the pursuit of flawlessness. However, the relentless pursuit of perfection often leads to stress, self-doubt, and dissatisfaction. But what if there was a way
Exploring Boundless Inspiration: Unveiling the Well of Creativity
In the realm of creativity, inspiration acts as a vital fuel, propelling artists, writers, and innovators to new heights. However, even the most imaginative minds occasionally encounter the daunting creative block. Fear not, in the following, we will embark on
Introducing the Reversed Color Sequence Cushion
In the realm of interior design, color and shape hold immense power to transform a space and evoke emotions. As an avid lover of vibrant hues and creative patterns, I am excited to share with you a delightful addition to
SS23 Summer Nostalgia: Floral Home Decor Collection
As the days start to get warmer and longer, it's the perfect time to start thinking about refreshing your home decor for the summer season. And I have just the thing to help you do that - my brand new
How to convert analog paper work into digital art
There’s something special about working with your hands. The feeling of cutting through paper, the way the scissors glide through the material. It’s a tactile and satisfying experience. But what if you could take that one step further?
Home Decor Catalog
Add a pop of color to your space with my vibrant interior design options! My product catalogue will help you create a unique and personalized look that reflects your style and personality.
POP-UP Shop April 2023
I’m so happy and excited to officially announce that I will be opening a colorful POP-UP store in Reutlingen from April 1st to end of the month together with Fashion Mie and Bela Skin 🤩 For a whole month you
Digital Poster Printables with Etsy
I'm currently creating and uploading lots of cool and fun abstract Posters for digital download. Perfect for single wall art or combined in a wall art gallery.
Trend colors: blue and beige
There’s no denying that abstract shapes on home furnishings and accessories have become an exciting interior design trend recently. The playful nature of the abstract cut out collection and modern earthy tones combined with royal blue inviting a fun sense of
Colorful Mix & Match
Ever notice how surrounding yourself with bright color tends to enhance your mood? So that’s what I set out to do: transform your home into spaces full of happiness and dopamine decor in perfect color harmony with bold stripes and
Designs to fall in love with
It’s all about love. What about impress your beloved ones with a cuddly nest for Valentine's Day?
Spread the love: Lovely postcards
Spread the Love: Whether it’s for Valentine’s Day or just because to show your love: everyone loves self-written cards ✨ When was the last time you sent one?
What may come in 2023
New year, new luck. Or what was that again? In any case, this year I don’t want to leave anything to chance and bring a little more strategy and planning into my little business.
Skillshare class: Make an abstract paper collage with me
As some of you may know, I struggled to tap into my creativity for such a long time: But with paper collages I found a playful and fun way to unlock my creativity and a hands-on process which is the
New Christmas Cards
I just want to let you know that my Etsy Shop is now filled with lots of new and old christmas cards 🎄 ✂️ ✨
Etsy shop makeover
Big news friends! I finally made it to refresh and repaint my Etsy store and can today proudly share the result with you.
Lifestyle products with SOCIETY6
Society6 is home to a thriving community of independent artists worldwide, and I am so excited and thrilled to be part of it now: Paper art inspiration for your life and home!
Finding the creative flow with paper collage
I've had this idea to send you ‘Journal’ entries from my studio… but I don't just want to share the things that are good — I also want to share with you the things that are challenging me.
New collection: On the lakeside
Come with me on a walk along the lake and let yourself be inspired by what there is to discover here.
2022 Lookbook available now
In my lookbook you will find a selection of my latest designs. With many floral prints and abstract patterns you will find this year especially a nice selection of inspiration for home textiles and fashion design.
Color Pop fall edition
You‘ve asked for and here we go! I just uploaded lots of cool colorblocking styles in my Textilwerk Shop in vibrant autumn colors. Color Pop Vol. 2 ✌️
Self adhesive wallpaper to make your walls pretty!
I’m so happy to share the new seld adhesive wallpaper I’ve been working on for Spoonflower: Subtle linen texture, DIY friendly self-adhesive, removable and cleanable wallcovering for smooth, flat, non-textured surfaces.
Moving into the studio
My playful and colorful studio evokes everything I’am all about! It is still under construction, but will soon be a real gem. Located at Sankt-Peter Str. 5 in Reutlingen, Germany it’s a place where I welcome customers, friends and neighbors
Color Pop Color-Blocking collection for Textilwerk
No more tone on tone! With the Color Pop color blocking collection color comes into your home.
Buy fabrics at Spoonflower
Self sewers take note! Spoonflower.de is a pretty cool platform where you can order different fabrics for sewing projects as well as all kinds of items with designs from independent artists, including me.